Kateryna Voitko Yoga and Pilates Mat instructor

Kateryna Voitko

Yoga and Pilates Mat Teacher

Katya’s passion for movement and nutrition began in her teenage years. She explored various yoga styles, from the calming Hatha to the dynamic Vinyasa. And yes, she’s also a Pilates fan!


In 2019, Katya embarked on her teaching journey, earning her certifications as a Yoga Alliance teacher and later Pilates Mat instructor through Corpus Studios™. In 2023, she added another feather in her cap, graduating as a Certified Health Coach and joining the Ukrainian Association of Health Coaches.


With a holistic view of health, Katya enjoys bringing a playful element to her teaching. She challenges her clients with engaging workouts, helps them find balance in their nutrition, and encourages mindful movement that strengthens the body and soothes the mind.


Never stop learning, being curious, and having fun – these qualities are at the core of Katya’s approach to life, an approach that she also brings to her profession.